If you are new to Drivin' the Dream, welcome! I only update this blog when my family travels. I welcome you to read through our adventures, and send me a message if you have any questions or comments. If this is your first visit, you may want to start at the beginning and work your way to the present. I will be back August 1, 2016.
Greetings Drivin' the Dream followers! I have spent the last couple weeks planning trip #10 which will take us through six New England states including Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. I'm super excited about this trip because it includes a little time in the city as well as some time on the shore. I always say planning is half the fun.
The purpose of this post is to let you know when we depart on August 1 for our two-week adventure, we will be short one member of our traveling team. Scott and I got a divorce last year, and he will not be traveling with us in August. I'll be honest in saying that when Scott and I went our separate ways I thought we could finish this dream together. But sometimes we face a fork in the road, and must make a decision on which path to take.
As the girls and I adjust to our new normal, traveling without Scott will be yet another new challenge we face. I always felt Scott and I were perfect traveling companions, and I will miss him on these trips. The purpose of this blog has always been to document Drivin' the Dream. This new chapter is obviously an important part of our lives, and I did not want to pass it off as unimportant.
So buckle up, and sit back because on August 1 Paradis, Annelies and I will be on the road to visit six states, leaving us with only ONE. Alaska. Wow ... time sure does fly by my friends.
Rae Ann, Annelies and Paradis |
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