I agree with Paradis when she said “if you aren’t into wine but want to do a tasting, doing it in a castle is best”. It was really cool. Paradis and I sampled six wines, along with chocolates, and the only drink we ended up buying was the grape juice Annelies was given. She loved it!
Of course it is winter and foggy outside but the drive was beautiful. I’m looking forward to returning next summer. It is so close to my new home!
From there we moved on to sugar and visited the Jelly Belly factory. I love factory tours. When I was a little girl I watched Mr. Rogers and my favorite episodes were when he visited factories. I would dream of working at a factory when I got old enough.
Those are bins and bins of Jelly Bellys! As far as tours go it was really good. Very informative. Of course we were dumped into the gift shop and bought $36 worth of “belly flops” - beans that don’t make the quality cut.
From there we drove to Berkeley and stopped at a cannabis dispensary. I’m no expert but I do need to say budtenders are some of the nicest people I have ever met.
We made our way to San Leandro, checked into our hotel, ordered Door Dash, and shaved Annelies’ head! If you are wondering if the dispensary stop had anything to do with that decision I’ll just say…I’m not really sure.
I ended the night sitting in the hotel lobby, in front of the fire, writing my blog. It was a great day.
What a post! You are a whirlwind!!!