Thursday, March 12, 2015

A Small World

We are two weeks away from our trip to Hawaii. Scott and I have spent (once again) endless hours planning. I pulled out the suitcases and assessed our summer wardrobe. I fear for the people that have to see the glare from our 'Minnesota-White Bodies'.

This will be our 42nd state. After Hawaii we will take only two more trips to complete the remaining seven states. It feels like we just started this adventure and yet I realize it has been almost ten years. Wow.

Many of you know I knit. A lot. I belong to an online knitting group (my husband likes to call it a cult) called Ravelry. Last month I received a message, via Ravelry, from a knitter named FortuneCookie.

She says, "Hello, You have no idea what an inspiration you are to me… And that was BEFORE I knew you were a knitter, too! I follow your blog, and love your stories about your trips. ... Thank you for sharing your adventurers!" It was so fun to receive her message. It is so rewarding to know I have inspired just one other person. There are very few comments written on my blog, so I never knew a complete stranger was following it. Well, FortuneCookie is no longer a stranger.

As you can read in my very first post, dated August 18, 2009, I created this blog to document our adventure so my kids and I could look back on it at a later date. I'll admit, when I need a little boost in my life I open up and simply read. I just love the stories we have collected on our adventures. 

The purpose for this post is to say hello to all the other 'strangers' out there following Driving The Dream. I hope I can inspire you as well to get out and travel. To visit somewhere you have never been. To expose your kids to this beautiful country. I'll be back in the blogging world in less than two weeks ... and I can't wait!!

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