Saturday, May 11, 2024

Madrid, Day One & Two

I am at the beginning of a twelve day adventure. It started with my Anna arriving in Amsterdam! She will spend the summer with me following her third year at college. I am so happy! 

We spent a couple hours together before we boarded separate flights. Me to Madrid and her to Lisbon to spend a week with her dad. We will meet up in Malaga. 

The more I travel the less I think through my arrival. I am not kidding when I say upon landing I thought “Oh right, they speak Spanish here!” I had a late flight and arrived in Madrid at 22:00 hungry. I was so happy to see the streets busy with people eating and drinking. I love the late night Hispanic culture. 

Day two started with a walking tour of the city. Madrid is so beautiful. 

Plaza Mayor

After some tacos and a couple tinto de Verona’s (cheap sangria drank by locals) I took a two hour siesta! It was lovely. 

The weather here is hot for my Dutch-adjusted body. It is around 27°c (81°f). That may not seem hot but I am feeling it and applying sunscreen like my life depends on it.

I then went on a tapas food tour. It was a gastronomic adventure that left me full and happy. I met many wonderful people from all over Europe. My favorite part of travel. 

Several of us returned to Plaza Mayor where there was a music festival. I love music sung in Spanish. Although I have no idea what they are saying, it is filled with such emotion. 

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