Saturday, May 18, 2024

Malaga Day Five

On Friday Anna and I were tourists. The night prior we went through our list and made a plan. I love lists. I love plans. I like to think I am a chill traveler but having a framework for your day and making adjustments as you navigate the day works for me. 

We started by climbing 25 flights of stairs (per my watch) up to the Castillo de Gibralfaro. Ya, it was fucking tough. But we got some great views along the way and laughed a lot at one another’s lack of passion for exercise. Full disclosure: We only walked it because the bus was full.

We walked back down and had a nice lunch before visiting the Teatro Romano de Malaga, an ancient Roman theatre. We also walked to the top of the Alcazaba de Malaga, a Moorish fortress. 

We returned to the Airbnb where we rested and showered before going out for dinner. The two of us laughed the evening away. I am happy. The only thing that would make it better is to have Paradis but only 46 more days! 

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