Greetings friends! We are busy packing for our seventh Drivin' the Dream trip. We leave today for a ten day tour that will take us into Wisconsin, through the upper peninsula of Michigan, south through Ohio, and east into Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. From there we will head south into Virginia, and back up through West Virginia where we will end up spending three days in Washington D.C. We will travel through 10 states, 8 of them being new to the girls. View our map. After nearly 2,200 miles we will fly back home.
We are looking forward to seeing some great sites including the Apostle Islands, the Ford F150 plant, Cuyahoga National Park, the Flight 93 Memorial, Hersey Pennsylvania (I'm drooling), Wilbur Chocolates (drooling again), the Liberty Bell, Atlantic City, the Star Spangled House, Walton's Mountain ("Good night John-boy"), Shenandoah National Park, a Potato Chip Factory tour, and many sites in Washington D.C.
I'm looking forward to yet another adventure with my traveling partners. If you haven't done so yet, sign up for email notifications in the 'Follow us by Email' box; I usually post once per day. Thanks for joining us as we continue Drivin' the Dream!
P.S. If you are curious about how a person with OCD prepares for a trip like this, I'll begin by saying I spent over 15 hours researching, calculating, and plotting out our course. I have a spreadsheet I use to track distances, and the hours places are open that we plan to visit. As for packing ... I have lists that reference lists, that reference lists.
Oh let the fun begin! Excited to live through your experiences. Have fun everyone. :) Heather