We stopped in Des Moines with the hopes of walking across a glass bridge. It was closed. So we drove to a junk yard to get our Iowa license plate (collecting for our license plate map). The junk yard was the highlight of tour day. Crazy, but we had a blast (some parents spend $100 on an amusement park - we spend $0 on junk yard searches). We not only found three Iowa plates, but one for South Dakota as well.
After that we stopped at the Des Moines State Capital. Beautiful building. We picked up our state pin and a couple postcards. We crossed the Iowa/Missouri state line and continued driving south to Marshall, Missouri where we visited Jim the Wonder Dog. The park was closed, but the girls enjoyed the story and it was fun to get a photo late at night. We drove another couple hours and ended up sleeping in a Walmart parking lot. I slept SO good. It felt great.
Day one: No fights. One injury. 563.8 miles. $190 for gas. $7.36 souvenirs. Three states.
Nice! I wish I would've thought to tell you about the world's largest concrete garden gnome! It is in Ames, Iowa (on the university campus). Of course we would know about a large gnome, right? Enjoy all the fun sites!