Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day One, Part II: Connecticut, Mark Twain, Rhode Island, Seafood

Our flight to Hartford was uneventful. We landed in our 44th state, grabbed our luggage and our car (the girls picked a Jeep Patriot, first trip we won't be sporting a sexy mini-van), and drove to Mark Twain's house. 
44th State
The tour of Twain's house was fabulous. Our docent was wonderful, and we learned a great deal not only about the man himself (Sam Clemens), but about the era and how Hartford was the heart of the publishing world in the 1800's. Little did I know Harriet Beecher Stowe lived next door as well.

Sam Clemen's Home (aka Mark Twain)

Home of Harriet Beecher Stowe

After our tour we drove straight through to Rhode Island, state #45. It feels weird to hit a state so quickly.
State #45
We checked into the Carriage House Inn in Newport, which was very nice despite the slow draining tub. We asked where the locals eat seafood, were told Flo's Crab Shack, so off we went. We ate a plate full of deep fried creatures from the ocean, and I enjoyed a Wachusett Pale Ale. It was good, but I may need a salad this afternoon.
Flo's Clam Shack
At this point I have decided not to track daily stats. I don't have the energy, and I apologize to my stat fans. I didn't brush my teeth before I went to bed last night either, so I guess you could say that is 
'Rae Ann on Vacation'. Here's to cuttin' loose on vacay ... woot woot!!

p.s. My girlfriend, Kari from Minnesota, slept thirty-minutes away last night. They are also traveling in this area, and Kari also writes a blog: http://countdownto48.blogspot.com. They have twice the kids, twice the adults, and although different interests than us, do some really fun things. I think it goes to show how there is something for all of us out here.

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