Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Day Four: Portsea & A Kangaroo

I started day four with this postcard in mind...

We drove to Rye to Deb and Tony's beach home and made our way to the ocean. It was gorgeous.

We made our way to Portsea and had a lovely lunch at Portsea hotel. We went on a walk along the ocean. The weather was absolutely perfect.

On our drive home we saw a kangaroo!! It was in a field of cattle. He is tiny in this photo as I was fumbling out of the car to catch a glimpse, but Tony was able to snap a shot for me.

We ended the evening watching Married at First Site (#MAFS) - a show where professionals set up two individuals and the first time they meet they get married! Crazy weird...I think I'm a bit addicted.

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