Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Day 5: Protests and Salad

Peru is in the middle of civil unrest. Last week their President attempted a coup de’etat and Congress impeached him. Protests are occurring in three cities in Peru wanting the President back, Cusco being one of them. Last night the state shut down the airport and trains to protect the infrastructure. We are literally stuck in Cusco. However, from what we have seen the protests are very peaceful and both Anna and I feel very safe. 

I am so relieved we are using a travel agent this week. They have been adjusting our schedule based on the road closures, etc. Our goal is to see Machu Picchu while here but it is what it is and we trust they will do what is best for us. Today we drove around touring archaeological parks built in the Inca period. First was Sacsayhuaman which represents the most important idols of the Andean religion. 

Next was Qenqo which was the center for embalming and animal sacrifices in honor of Pacha Mama (Mother Earth). 

We visited a farm with alpacas and llamas and learned about the differences and how they dye the wool using natural elements. 

Anna’s goal today was to try Guinea pig so that was our lunch. I had Chiriuchu (which included the little guy as well) and Anna had her Guinea pig. I ate way too much of the corn appetizer, soup, and Pisco Sour that my main meal did not get touched much. I never eat meat with bones so this was a stretch for me, needless to say. 

We took a nap and decided to venture out for dinner as Anna wanted pasta and the streets were fairly quiet. We landed at an Italian place that had the best salad and Sangria I have ever had in my life. There is an abundance of fruit here but the veggies, which are pretty much my main food source, are rare so I was feeling a void. Anna was happy. I was happy. It was the perfect ending to a lovely day. 

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